Over the years, the ARISS international working group has grown to a solid and well-established organization of volunteering amateur radio operators of several countries, who cooperate with the Space agencies for the most important mission of educational outreach.
Next year, if all goes well, new means will become available on the International Space Station, more precisely on the Columbus module. A project, which started ten years ago, will come to fruition, opening a new domain for amateur radio operators to explore. Educational outreach will be enhanced, extending even further ARISS’ close collaboration with the Space agencies.
For four years, I had the honor to chair the ARISS Board. At New Year’s eve, my mission will end. We are grateful to Frank Bauer KA3HDO who accepted to resume the leadership of the working group, which he assumed since the early SAREX days.
More than ever, I will concentrate my efforts on the upcoming challenge of adding video to the ARISS school contacts. I am confident, that the amateur radio community will discover here a wide field of exciting activities to investigate.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !
Gaston Bertels, ON4WF
ARISS Chairman
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